I hope everyone had a great weekend, and if you took part in the London Marathon I’m sure you’re all in severe pain, but well done! I watched the marathon from the comfort of my sofa with a giant bar of chocolate and some Pringles, because that’s how I roll.
We’re kicking off this week with glorious weather (In London anyway) so today’s outfit is a little surf inspired, not that I’ll be surfing the Thames any time soon! Ewww, can you imagine? Anywho, I’m not feeling very organised right now so today I’ll be planing out my week as I have some exciting events coming up.
Sunglasses – Primark (Similar here)
Earrings – H&M
Items marked with an * have been gifted or purchased with a gift card from that brand
Please don’t forget to nominate me for the Company ‘Best Style Blog’ award 2014, the form only takes about 15 seconds to fill out, pleeeeeease!