Beauty | 25th October 2013

MUA Matte Lipsticks Tried & Tested


As I’m now getting more into my beauty posts you should definitely expect to see more!  Fashion and Beauty go hand in hand so I’m going to feature a lot more of my favourite beauty products on the blog, but don’t worry, there will still be plenty of outfit posts for those of you who love those too!
So I’ve been obsessing over MUA for some time now, and I recently saw on their Facebook page that they had brought out these gorgeous Matte lipsticks…for £1!!!  So I went out and bought them all!  I do prefer a matte lipstick over something with more sheen because I don’t find them as sticky and I just like the way they look in general, but it also depends on the look you’re going for and the occasion.  So I thought I’d test these out for you and show you how they look on my lips.  Apologies I don’t have gorgeous lips like the lovely Tanya Burr, sniff sniff 🙁
There’s 5 shades altogether and I pretty much like all of them (surprise, surprise!).  The coolest thing about these lip colours is that you have the stick of colour and also a little pot which unscrews at the bottom, which is ideal if you like a apply your lipstick with a brush…bonus!  I just applied mine in the normal way, using the stick of colour directly on my lips with no liner, primer or gloss.  I just wanted you to see the product on it’s own.  Obviously you could use a gloss over the top and give more definition by using on of MUA’s lip liners too.  The colour goes on easliy enough, I did have to apply quite a few layers of the ‘Wild berry’ just to get a really deep colour and again by using a liner first on your lips you could achieve a much more dramatic and solid colour.  Let me know what you think and which colour is your favourite?









You can buy these lip colours online at muastore.co.uk also online at superdrug.com and in Superdrug stores