I bring to you the new Mac Mineralize Skinfinish from their latest collection ‘Fantasy of Flowers’. I’ve never fallen in love with a product so quickly as this, it’s just…quite frankly…awesome! This new collection is split into two, the first is all about the pinks; blush tones, rosey hues and a ‘glowing floral essence’. The other has hints of green with earth tones. This skinfinish comes in two colours; ‘Stereo Rose’ (which is what I have here) and ‘Perfect Topping’, one for each of the themed collections. ‘Stereo Rose’ has more pink and peach undertones so can act as a highlighting blush which is why I went for this one, it gives a gorgeous warm glow and will be absolutely perfect for Spring/Summer. I have been wearing this product for the past few days and I just couldn’t love anything more right now, it’s my new favorite product and definitely worth the £22 price tag! As you can see from my pictures below, I’m using it to highlight my cheekbones, the bridge of my nose and I’ve also popped some above the cupids bow. ‘Perfect Topping’ would be great to use as a highlighter for under the eyebrows as there’s no blush colour it, it’s just rather icey.