Fashion | 28th February 2016

Pay Day Wish List

Happy Sunday guys, I’m back with this weeks Wish List which of course due to the time of the month is a Pay Day.  My Pay Day Wish Lists tend to involve more higher price pointed, luxury items because it’s the time when I’m more likely to splurge on these kind of things.  I know we’re just coming in to March but I am already thinking ahead to all my trips that I will be taking this year so this edition is very much a travel/holiday themed Wish List.  I do have a series of posts coming up next month focusing on what to pack for your holiday and holiday style.  But in the mean time if you’ve got some sun booked then hopefully you’ll get some inspo from my picks for your own travels, if not, errrrr….sorry!  Maybe all this talk of summer sun will nudge you towards booking a little getaway x

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