So I can’t afford an actual Celine ID necklace but eBay has done me the favour of offering them for a few quid! Many thanks eBay. Fair enough the quality isn’t the same as the Celine version, and mine is more of a shiny gold than a matte gold but it still gives the same effect and is just a nice little accessory to have…along with the 1500 other necklaces I own and now struggle to store. Shopping on eBay for me is a real addiction, especially when it comes to jewellery. I have a big thing for buying from Korean and Chinese sellers because many of them charge no postage and their prices are bargainous! Albeit you have to wait about 15-30 days for the item to arrive, by which time you forgot you bought it in the first place…ergo, a nice surprise. Chin chin, jobs a good un’.
If you fancy bagging yourself a necklace like this, take a look here and see which one you fancy!